Adjustable Collars / Harnesses

The adjustable collars and harnesses are made from the same quality single ply nylon as our regular collars.  The plastic buckles are quick release and curved to lie flat on the neck.


Adjustable Collars

Available in 4 sizes

Colors: Black (BK), Blue (BL), Green (GN), Hot Pink (HP), Purple (PR), Red (RD)

Color matches are not guaranteed and subject to change.

NO. Size

Price Each

ACSM Small   5/8" width

$ 2.70

8" - 12" length


3/4" width

$ 2.90

10" - 16" length
ACLG  Large  1" width

$ 3.10

14" - 20" length

ACXLG  Extra Large  1" width


18" - 26" length



Adjustable Harness

Available in 4 sizes

Colors: Black (BK), Blue (BL), and Red (RD)

Color matches are not guaranteed and subject to change.

 NO.  Size  Price Each

Extra small    3/8" width x 8 1/2" -14" length        

 AJHSM Small             5/8" width x 12"-20" length   $9.15
 AJHM  Medium        3/4" width x 18" - 30" length  $10.10
 AJHL Large               1" width x 22" - 38" length   $13.10